Life coach Jeanine Hughes hosts virtual group sessions and is working on her laptop | Jeanine Hughes | Life Coach Virtual Group Training

Becoming Unstoppable

Virtual Group Training

We all have one thing in common. We want more. More joy, more meaningful connection, more choice, more income, more impact, more freedom, more fulfillment, more time.

Jeanine Hughes is a mature white woman with dark hair sitting in front of a dark backdrop smiling | Jeanine Hughes | Life Coach Virtual Group Training
  • Imagine you had the clarity, unwavering confidence and sense of self-worth to chase after and claim that goal or dream you’ve been holding deep inside yourself all this time. How would that impact the quality of your life?

  • What if, at long last, you arrived at a place in which you felt a genuine sense of inner peace and strength that guided you in your daily decision-making. How do you think that would shape your future?

  • Imagine you woke up each morning feeling more excited, fulfilled and freer because you were finally living the life you were meant to lead. How would you feel?

All you need to create this kind of transformation in your life lies within you right now. You have complete control over every area of your life. It’s a matter of choice. This is your personal power. It’s inside you. You just need to unlock it and when you do, you’ll be unstoppable!

A black man attends a virtual group session hosted by Jeanine Hughes | Jeanine Hughes | Life Coach Virtual Group Training

Who is this training for?

This training is for anyone who’s had enough of feeling “stuck”, dissatisfied and discouraged.  It’s for anyone who has a deep yearning for growth, progress and change. And, for anyone who cares enough to seek out the most effective teachers and resources to get results. 

Why is it virtual?

This training is intentionally designed to allow you to participate from the comfort and privacy of your own home. My aim is to make this a friction-free way to gain new knowledge, create your own aha moments and start building new more empowering habits so you can make a transformational change.

What can you expect?

This 60 minute online group training will start you on your way to unlock your enormous personal power and potential by learning how to:

  • Overcome fear

  • Break free of limitation

  • Develop greater clarity of direction

  • Implement tools and techniques to develop a more empowering mindset

  • Create the life you want by establishing new, consistent habits

When is the training?

Training sessions are offered on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 12p. Pacific time.

Training session cost is just $39!