Jeanine Hughes is a motivational conference keynote speaker and sits in a dark studio looking at the camera | Jeanine Hughes | Motivational Conference Keynote Speaker


Inspire Your Audience

Give your audience more than inspiration, give them a great motivator with a deeply personal approach and an ability to get people to take action to create meaningful change.

Jeanine is an engaging, relatable, authentic story-teller and leader. She is a sought-after conference Keynote speaker. Audience members particularly appreciate her unique insights and highly motivational approach to business and life.

Jeanine Hughes sits on the floor of a dark studio smiling and writing in a journal | Jeanine Hughes | Motivational Conference Keynote Speaker

Jeanine Speaks On A Wide Range Of Topics Including:


Business Leadership

Women in Business




  • “You are the epitome of courage as Hemingway defined it – ‘grace under fire’. Anyone who’s ever met you has seen your grace within 5 minutes and recognized your courage by the time a half hour has passed. Your work gives others the chance to learn from your wisdom laced with wit.”

    — Ginger B.

  • “I so appreciate your authenticity. I’m leaning into my stories too. It’s refreshing to see strong women telling the truth.”

    — Lee S

  • “Wisdom from my friend Jeanine Hughes who knows a few things about becoming your best self. I follow her for inspiration on leadership, professional development and general straight talk on the sh*t that happens even when we do everything right.”

    – Elizabeth W

For speaking and event requests, both live and virtual, please submit the details of your event below. For press and podcast requests please see the contact page.

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